Beyond the Water is a feature length documentary film that guides audiences on an immersive journey toward racial healing in America. Wading through the waters of generational trauma, epigenetics, the racial wealth gap and the reparative work in local communities, the film shines a light on Americans working to mend racial wounds of the past and foster a more inclusive future.  Beyond the Water allows a winsome cast of characters seeking to understand the relative health of our nation. Individual stories of race-based brokennes and transformation inspire a pathway toward a renewed commitment to listening, understanding and justice for all. 

No matter where you find yourself in the story, the process of racial repair in America benefits everyone. Beyond the Water centers main characters in Richmond, Virginia where local arts activists and students at Thomas Jefferson High School process trauma through art-making in a way that not only brings healing in the classroom but beauty to the entire city. A national story framed in a Richmond-centric lens, the film highlights initiatives driving economic justice and innovative strategies aimed at dismantling deeply entrenched systems of inequity in the areas of truth, power and wealth. 

Featuring Grammy Award-winning artists, historians, medical professionals, community leaders, students and educators, Beyond the Water inspires individuals and communities to live as change agents igniting a renewed commitment to race-based repair and collective responsibility. 



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Characters & Experts

We will feature 15 nationally significant experts to unpack what it will take to repair America | The narrative will follow 2 main characters Lisa Sharon Harper and Gregory Thompson as they grapple with and navigate through the practice of repairing racial truth, power and wealth America .


Our main goal with this project is to not only model what repair looks like but our goal is to create resources that will assist you in joining us in the movement of repair. We want you to come along with us on this journey, we invite you to share your story as well. Together we can make a difference.